Vico Dattero Alla Maddalena 2, 80139 NA
+39 375 574 1006


Beds: 1 Double / 2 Single Beds
Room Size: 17m2
Choose the arrival and departure dates, the number of guests and check which room is available; booking is immediate.

Naples, magical city, rich in ancient traditions, cradle of myths and legends with a millenary past and full of a very special popular culture. Superstition and respect for religious and secular traditions have been handed over generation by generation.
Experience the Neapolitan FOLKLORE: from the mask of Pulcinella to the Miracle of San Gennaro, from the folk dance of the Tarantella to the Neapolitan Smorfia with the interpretation of dreams and to its delight, a UNESCO heritage. A myriad of myths and legends handed down orally: from the sacred to the profane, which traverse time and space from the foundation of the city to the present day.
This is the room that most brings together vintage elements, icons and symbols of the Neapolitan heritage and has a strong reference to poor art.

  • Free WiFi
  • Ensuite bathroom and courtesy set
  • Mini-fridge
  • Air conditioner
  • Entrance by badge
  • Ensuite balcon
  • Coffee Machine
  • Strongbox
  • Smart TV
  • Water Kettle
  • Latest generation hypoallergenic mattresses
  • Luggage storage
  • Outdoor parking the structure
Check-In after 3 pm (please comunicate your arrival time)
Check-Out until 11 am (free luggage storage)

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